Textures & Portion Sizes

Did you know? You can change your texture or portion size at anytime!

My baby is in the "in between" stage of textures, what should I do?

We recommend going for the texture "up" from where they currently are!

For example, if your baby is in between Lumpy and Bite-sized textures, try the bite-sized first and you can always mash it down a bit with a fork or blitz with a blender if it's still a bit too challenging for them.

It's also possible to get alternating textures delivered, for example 2 of your deliveries a week can be Lumpy and the third can be bite-sized. Email help@vandme.co.uk for advice on how to tailor this to your order.

My baby is around 12 months, should I go for the baby or toddler meals?

The texture is the same, so it really comes down to appetite!

If it's on the smaller side, we'd recommend starting with the Baby Bite-sized option and see how they get on with the portion sizes. For bigger appetites, the toddler menu would be the better choice!

Don't forget, if your first delivery is the wrong portion size, you can always change it in time for your next delivery.

How much food do babies and toddlers need per day?

It's important to remember that every child is different, as such we always recommend feeding to appetite as a general rule of thumb.

From 7-9 months your baby should be working up to 3 meals a day.
From 10-12 months 3 meals a day plus milk feeds.
From 12+ months they should be having 3 meals a day as well as two healthy snacks in between meals.

Can I change the texture of portion size after I've ordered?

Of course! You can change these anytime. If your first delivery isn't the right texture or portion size, you can change these in time for your next delivery.

Are the meals appropriate for baby led weaning (BLW)?

Yes, absolutely! If you are solely going down the baby led weaning approach, we'd recommend starting with the bite-sized texture. All the finger foods are prepared and cut into shapes that minimise the risk of choking hazards and a perfect for self-feeders!

What if my baby doesn't need all 3 meals a day?

If your baby is still working up to 3 full meals a day, or if you just want to spread the meals across the week a bit, you can choose alternate days for delivery and keep the meals in the fridge for up to 3 days.

How strict are the age recommendations?

These are just general guidelines, and babies develop at their own rates!

If your baby is ready for bite-sized food at 7 months - go for it!

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